High Voltage Aviation

Dedication to Safety

Dedication to Safety

When we’re on a job, our first priority is safety—of our team, our clients, and community.

HVA only utilizes top-notch aviation equipment. We also dedicate significant time to training our technicians in safety protocols that we’ve developed through decades of experience.

Could vs. Should

Our safety approach can be summarized with a few words: “could you vs. should you.”

When developing innovative solutions, with never performed operations, being cognizant of safety and what could go right—and wrong—is our focus.

Great solutions to problems must always result in an effective and safe method. We encourage unique ideas and methods as we problem solve and collaborate. That’s what innovators do.

We also understand that a solution may be feasible, however, risk mitigation and safe operations always override even the most ingenious ideas. At the end of our processes we ask; can this be accomplished safely and how does it mitigate risk? Should overrules Could. That’s the genesis of safe innovation at HVA.

Safety Philosophies

We strive to teach, reinforce, and measure our safety initiatives to ensure that our team understands and applies these practices every day. Those practices include:

Let’s Get to Work

Our team is standing by to help. All you have to do is get in touch.