High Voltage Aviation

Environmental Impact

Environmental Impact

With each passing year, local governments and members of the general public become more concerned about how everyday services impact the environment.

HVA understands this issue, which is why we’re dedicated to performing our tasks with as little environmental disruption as possible.

Prioritizing the Environment

As our team continues to innovate, we create better processes to provide much-needed services without harming the land. In fact, our services can help:
By eliminating these harmful results and therefore avoiding further work and fines, we can help our clients save money overall.

Evolving Legislation

Legislation surrounding land usage and protection is changing every day.

Many states have already passed regulations regarding land usage and the building of new structures. Although these policies benefit the environment, they can make getting a permit complicated. Some states have seen a delay in capital spending on new electric transmission and distribution system construction. These projects are being completed, but it may take a bit longer to ensure each project meets all relevant regulations.

“Returning the land” is an odd phrase to associate with electrical work, but this has become a hot topic over the years. Nowadays, many states require organizations completing electrical construction to return multiple acres of environmentally sensitive land for every one acre used on electric transmission and distribution construction. This can mean permits become more expensive than the construction itself. In turn, this inspires utilities to come up with new ways to minimize land usage, through methods like Right of Way.

A group of individuals works on electrical lines in a rural setting.

How High Voltage Aviation can Help

High Voltage Aviation can help minimize and expedite these new costs, all while still prioritizing the environment. We can complete a vast array of services above environmentally sensitive areas, including:

Our team specializes in providing these services without leaving a large impact on the environment. Plus, our nimble team can work on even the most difficult terrain in hard-to-reach locations.
A helicopter is flying through mountains with electric lines nearby.

Let’s Get to Work

Our team is standing by to help. All you have to do is get in touch.